Friday, September 24, 2010

Setting the example.

"Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others: it is the only means"
Albert Einstein.

Today, I am waking up and working on several projects, and thinking about this quote and I ask myself, what kind of example am I setting for my family, my co-workers, my partners, and the strangers I come into contact with.

so I ask you, how do others see you, are you a good leader, a good parent, a good stewart of your finances? or do you have work to day on yourself?

I have work to do, I need to choose 3 projects, focus on them, get a complete clarity for what the outcome is, set some realistic deadlines, organize those projects into goals, set up an action plan, and then FOLLOW THROUGH!! AND FINISH THEM.

I believe any man can Achieve anything they put their mind to.

so i say lets go change the world and be great examples, today be kind, smile often, live with passion and show a stranger some kindness today. Your kids and your peers are watching!

just a note for a future blog, to watch for, keep your eyes open for The BASKET BRIGADE and how you can become involved and help change a life of someone in your community.

make it an amazing day!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Good things are yours to have

Fear less, Hope More;---Whine Less, breathe more;---Talk less, say more;---Hate less, love more;---And all good things are yours.

We must alter our lives, in order to alter our hearts, for it is impossible to live one way and pray another."

This might not have anything to do with Focus, clarity and Goals, but it is my first blog post, and they jumped out at me. In some regards it is all very true for you to succeed in life you must fear less, whine less, Talk less, you must Listen more, Plan more, be thankful for everything you have, so you can SUCCEED more so you can become the leader you desire to be.

Please enjoy future posts, on goal setting, success principles, life lessons, that are brought to you with passion and love